Friday 1 December 2006

First Day of Summer

1st December in Australia is the official first day of Summer. This year, it's also the last day of the school academic year at the school I started at at the beggining of the year, so on Monday my girlfriends and I (from school) are off to the local Indus Restaurant for a meal to celebrate.

It was hot on Wednesday. Here in Brookfield it got to 42C or 102F (my back veranda). In the almost three years that I have lived in Brisbane, this was the hottest day that I can remember - bloody hot!

I've been thinking seriously about my Christmas letter. I got some feedback from people about it: most of it positive, some of it negative - I think I even lost a dearly loved friend over it. I'm very sorry about that. It was that person's choice, not mine.

The good part about writing a draft is that it's not the last word. This blog is, as I said, a journal. It's not aimed at pleasing readers, it's about me writing from the heart (and reflecting on what I see on paper). My kids & step kids get a better deal out of how I feel about their actions as I move from my negative/lost perspective to understanding and encouraging them to continue current actions AND the final draft of the Christmas letter is full of blissful news of family life(Sssmile).

I'm glad I wrote the 1st draft.

The Christmas message I am planning is still short. It refects some good bits about 2006 & laments (worries) still about some of life's sores. It will evolve. More soon ...

Happiness n laughter always,


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